In April I traveled to Santa Fe, New Mexico to attend Tangle University where CZT's from all over the US and many different countries, come to learn from other CZT's about our craft. It is in it's third year and it is something I look forward to every year. The CZT crowd is a bunch of like minded, fun people that are always a blast to meet up with, if only for a long weekend. There never seems to be an end to good food, good friends and a mind blowing amount of things to learn. I have come back with many unfinished projects and some cool new tools that I have yet to play with. The one project I did get done was taught by Kate Lamontagne. We used a new tool called a
Helix Angle and Circle Maker . This is an inexpensive and very simple tool to make Mandalas, or in our case, we made dream catchers, and learned to use colored pencils. It was just fascinating.
I was home less than a week and repacked my bags for an adventure by car. Oh what fun! I drove to a fellow CZT, Chris Titus's home in upper New York state and spent a few days in her wonderful studio where we actually took a class in renaissance tiles via Skype from fellow CZT Meredith Yuhas. (A first for all of us!) The following is her tile as I left mine behind in Boston.
We used black and brown micron pens, white charcoal pencil, white gelly roll pen, graphite and we were all amazed at the results. Meredith's work is just yummy.
After a few days of "playing" in the studio, we were on the road again along with Deborah Bartlett on the next leg of our adventure. We drove to the American side of Niagara Falls and walked about, having lunch at a casino just so we could see inside and spend a small amount on playing the games (another first for me!) We all left with 2Cents!
We then crossed the boarder (another first!) and saw the falls from the Canadian side. Just amazing. We took a ride on Maid of the Mist:
We walked in tunnels behind the falls, which were amazingly loud, if not a bit scary and then just spent time at the bottom of the falls watching the water and listening to the power of them. It was a beautiful morning and I believe we spent 4 to 5 hours just taking it all in.
From here we traveled to the tiny, beautiful town of Elora, Ontario where we attended a weekend workshop called "Tropical Tangled Garden" taught by Cherryl Moote and hosted by Brenda Shaver and her sister in law Mary Hudson-Shaver. What another great group of people! We had the most wonderful weekend of shopping, eating and creating that could be had. Cherryl is a fabulous teacher with many talents and such a down to earth wonderful soul, it was a pleasure to spend the weekend learning from her. Work In Progress:

After this fabulous weekend we headed back to New York where Chris and a friend were to fly out the next morning to Southwest Harbor Maine and spend a few weeks soaking up the Maine coast and I was to drive back to Boston. Well, things do not always go as planned and Chris and I were in the car again, this time heading for Southwest Harbor Maine! Ten hours later we arrived in a beautiful spot her sister rents every year and I was asked to spend some time. Well, why not! More good company, in a State I love, I couldn't say no. I found myself celebrating Cinco De Mayo at a restaurant in Maine with half price margaritas (original and blueberry basil) while my youngest celebrated his 26th birthday in Brooklyn NY. I stayed for several days then made the journey back to Boston.

It happened to be the fourth anniversary of my eldest sons passing, so I made a stop in Andover and walked up to Holt Hill to spend some quiet time and leave a little something. It is a beautiful spot where you can see the thirty miles to Boston Skyline.
He will always be loved and never forgotten. Shine on!
I stayed in Boston for the weekend and packed up for my summer in Mid-Coast Maine where I am now. A new trip is planned for July! Again to Canada but a whole different part! Woohoo!