Friday, November 28, 2014

Challenge #195: "Turning Old into New"

Thank you Sandy Hunter for a creative challenge to look at our tangles in a new way. We are to take a grid based tangle and make it free flowing or take a fee flowing tangle and put it into a grid. I tried one tile with Skein used as a border and Verve put into a grid. Here are the results:

There are so many great examples at you should really take some time and check them all out.

I have not taken up challenges or focus tangles at Square One lately because I have been hooked on my inkblot pictures.

Here is the latest one I have finished.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am already looking forward to spring!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Larger Scale

I have been experimenting with a bit bigger format.

"Explosion" 6" x10"
Auraknot, Diva Dance, Rain, Printemps, UNME, Cubine, Tripoli

 "Lost in the Garden" 5" x 7"
Auraknot, Mooka, Springle, Fescu, Printemps

Mooka as a String 5" x 7"
Diva Dance, Crescent Moon, Betweed, Bunzo, Camelia

Saturday, November 1, 2014