Sunday, December 29, 2013

Back to "Normal?"

I love the holidays but, I love it more when the rushing around is back to a minimum, my belly isn't quite so full and my to do list has more to do with creativity than shopping.

I have been absent from this blog for a while because I have had little time to Tangle but, I was recently able to complete a full page of tangles to be broken down into Artists Trading Cards. See post HERE if you have questions. I cannot decide if I enjoy full page tangles then cut up or single cards. I have now completed 32 cards with 21 more to go so I still have time to figure it out.

Full Page

Cut into ATC's

I will tell you it took me three tries to get the tiles in the correct order on the scanner after they were cut! I did not label individual tangles but, if you have a question, please leave a comment and I will be sure to reply.

If I do not return before then Happy New Year to All!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekly Challenge #148: "Merry Happy"

A little something to help get in the spirit. Happy Holidays!

Betweed, TomBow marker

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Zendala Dare #82

Here is my second weeks Zendala Dare. This is the Bright Owls #82 which you can see HERE.

I took the liberty of changing out the straight lines and adding in curvy ones.

Cruffle, Aquafleur, black micron and White Gelly Roll pen.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekly Challenge #147: "UMT v. XXIII - Boo*Kee"

This weeks Tangle comes from the Diva herself. You can find her step outs HERE. Boo*Kee* was fun to draw and very easy first time around.  My contribution this week will be added to the deck of ATC's I am desperately trying to finish on time. This is #21.

Boo*Kee, Patena, on rubber cement resist, watercolor wash

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Zendala Dare #81

I have been very intimidated to draw a Zendala, which is a play on words to describe a Zentangled Mandala.  A couple of weeks back I decided I would make it a weekly exercise to draw a Zendala. It was suggested by a few that I join the Zendala Dare at Bright Owl blogspot.

So here I am jumping on at #81. When I first looked at the template I would have never thought to go organic but, I am pleased with the result.

Verdigogh, Quilted Feather, Black Pearlz, Inapod

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Weekly Challenge #146: DuoTangle Pea-nuckle/Well

This duo is a bit tricky to integrate. It is sometimes better not to think about it and just plow ahead. Easy!

This one fit together a bit better in my opinion.

Friday, November 22, 2013

ATC (Artist Trading Card) Swap

One of our lovely Certified Zentangle Teacher's (CZT) has come up with a way to keep us busy from now until February. Many of us have jumped on board the crazy train and decided that we will produce 53 cards which measure 2.5" x 3.5". Some even crazier CZT's are producing two sets. We will all send our cards to one person who will then sort through them and send each one of us back a deck of cards from 52 different CZT's. I have managed to finish 18 cards so far and here they are. Some with color, others not. I may have to come back to some and add a little color or shading in the future.

Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Weekly Challenge #145: "New Official Tangle: Quib"

Quib is a swirly, curvy, crazy new tangle. This is an ATC (Artist Trading Card) I did a bit ago.

Quib, 'Nzeppel, black micron, Faber-Castell cool Grey pen, Gelly Roll Clear Star

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Weekly Challenge #144: A Bug's Life

What a fun and different challenge this week. See the Diva's post to see where the challenge came from. I was excited to try out the new tan tiles so I used one for this challenge. Bugs have always fascinated me, beetles especially, with all their armor and strength. Who knows who will inherit the earth! 

Tan tile, Florz, Amaze, Nipa, Brown and Black pigma microns and shading with pencil and white Charcoal pencil

I used an image of a Stag Beetle from 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Weekly Challenge #143: Cruze

This weeks Challenge come from Caren Mlot as we are to use her new tangle Cruze. You can see her step outs HERE.

I took this tangle for a ride before I started and didn't seem to get the hang of it, so I just went to my tile and started drawing. This actually came out rather nice, I thought. Sometimes you just have to dive in and see what happens.

Cruze, Quandry

And speaking of jumping in, as I promised myself last week I would complete a Zendala a week to get over my being uncomfortable with them. Zandala for this week:

Black Pearlz, Fife, Bubbles, Pre-Strung Zendala tile.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Weekly Challenge #142 Comfort/Danger Zone

Moving into my danger zone seems to bring me back to Zendalas. Moving forward I think I am going to try to do one once a week to get me over this "danger" feeling. I completed this one but, it took me over four days (yes, there is a new puppy in the house but, I think it would have taken me that long without the distraction) So, here is my "danger zone" Zendala.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Weekly Challenge #141: DuoTangle - Fengle/Quandry

Thank you Diva for giving us such a lovely challenge this week. I do find myself just waiting until Monday for her prompt to create a tile or ZIA. I am busy and distracted but, I feel I should get back to the Zen of the tangle and create more of what I love.

Anyway, I really liked the black and white look of Laura's Zendala so I took out my black drawing paper and white Gelly pen and here is the result. One oops in the middle where I touched down before it was dry but, as many of you already know, the Gelly pens have a smooth feel to them which makes using them a pleasure and the white on black is striking.

Strathmore Artagain Coal Black Drawing Paper, Gelly Roll White Pen,
Fengle and Quandry

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weekly Challenge #140! "Monotangle, Pointillism style!"

a simple dot multiplied can become something recognizable. How much fun.
15 of the best examples HERE.

This is my simple attempt:

This was easy and I would love to explore more Pointillism.

Here is another I tried out keeping with the fall theme:


Sunday, October 13, 2013

New Tangle "Crezn't" by Margaret Bremner

Margaret Bremner has introduced us to a new tangle which she has called Crezn't. I found some time to play with it this morning and discovered it to be very versatile.

Crezn't & Y-Ful Power

Friday, October 11, 2013

Weekly Challenge #139: "8s Parte Dos" by Jane Eileen

It has been a while since I have had time to sit and tangle never mind post something new here.  This weeks challenge, to use Jane Eileen's tangle "8 Parte Dos," ended up as busy as my life seems right now. I could not do a tile without trying out Sandy Hunters new tangle "Merry Weather" too!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Weekly Challenge #138: "Fun with Borders"

Borders appear on many things in and around our home. Ever since I saw Maria Thomas's fascination with frame designs I have been gathering pictures for future tangling myself. This challenge has provided a perfect excuse to try one I recently found in a friends home.

This looked so rich and ornate to me, I immediately loved it.

The second tile I decided it needed a little more weight to it and I prefer that one to the first.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekly Challenge #137: "Duotangle - Knights over Tipple"

The Challenge this week is to use Knightsbridge, here is an awesome example by Margaret Bremner in all its glory:

And Tipple. Here is a recent example of my own work:


And here is my "Knights over Tipple"

As per a suggestion from Margaret Bremner I have added black background to my "black" squares. I really like it. Thank you, Margaret!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Weekly Challenge #136: "Colour Colour Everywhere"

I made my move from Maine to Boston this past week and I feel a little discombobulated. My arty things are still in boxes and I need a bit of time to get re-established in my condo digs. So, already feeling a bit out of it, along comes a color challenge! Yay!  All of I could think of after a week of contemplation was "color blocks." Easy, fun.

Tipple, Verve, Printemps, Paradox Quabog, Yincut
watercolors, black micron.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekly Challenge #135: New Official Tangle "Well"

An official new tangle Well. I had only time to play with this new tangle in my sketch book when it first was introduced. Thinking I would be able to do a tile later I did not enter this into the challenge. It is now the end of the week and yet no tile! Ack! So, here is my sketch. I am always looking for tangles that fit into the sphere. I think this one fits fairly well. (Idid not plan that pun).

Friday, September 6, 2013

Weekly Challenge #134: UMT #XX "Beamz - by Traci F

The tangle in this weeks challenge is Beamz which you can find steps outs to HERE. This is an interesting tangle which weaves itself across the page. My instinct was to try and tame it. As I have been playing with frames lately I choose to corral it into a straight line. It reminds me of those heavy wooden frames or ceiling molding:


Well, here is my work for this challenge:

Beamz & Bellinno

Bellinno was found on Pinterest and step outs can be found HERE.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Everybody Wins!

Sandy Bartholomew Steen has had a contest running for the past seven or eight weeks. Enter your drawings of her tangles to win one of her new Tangle Card Packs.  I entered all but one.  This last one was to use Gewgle, a funny play on google eyes, this is what it looks like:

You can see all the entries HERE.  Sandy is so generous she deemed all entries winners!  Thank you for all the "likes" on my silly picture, you are all very kind.

This tangle comes from her Tangle Card Pack for Kidz. "This pack of cards has tons of great, non-juvenile, patterns in it", says Sandra. "The "Kidz" just means that there are some Lilah Beans integrated into the pack." 

Speaking of Kidz, she also has a sister blog for Kids HERE Go check it out as there is a contest running there for all ages "Tag your I-T-T-T!."  I may have to go find some tags. I think I have some hanging around here some place.

Have fun this holiday weekend with your kids or grandkids or the neighbors kids!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly Challenge #133: Tipple

"Tipple" is a grouping of different sized orbs with spaces between filled in with black or left open. It can be monotonous to draw a lot of but, it is really satisfying to look at once done. I love orbs/circles in general and this was really fun to use the pattern of a rubber cement resist colored with a turmeric stain. I found the process pleasing as well as the end result.


Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekly Challenge #132: "Non-Domonotangle"

I have had a busy week on land and sea and it has been so much fun.  From Maine on Musgongus Bay then onto Newport RI and a cruise on Naragannsett Bay with friends, back to Boston MA and onto Gloucester MA, for a trip deep sea fishing on the Yankee Fleet.  I landed three "keephas" and met some really nice people on the boat.  I am back in Maine and trying to catch up on daily drawings and challenges.

This weeks challenge is drawing with your non dominate hand which I would have gladly skipped but as the Diva says, "Not only does it increase your creativity, but using your non-dominant hand makes your brain fire in ways it's not used to, and that's a good brain workout". I am going with that.

Here is my brain firing in new increased creativity tile.  I must say it is fun when you let yourself go and see what happens.

Thank you for the challenge!


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Framing Practice

These are envelopes that contain theater tickets for my friends. This is a great way to get in some framing practice!

Yincut, Knase, Verve, Tripoli, Dex

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weekly Challenge #131: "Monotangle - Dex-teria"

Mono-tangles are usually a favorite prompt of mine and I do love the Dex tangle but, I just didn't find my groove on this one.

I used one of my "stained" papers from the recent tutorial I did and my alphabet stencils and tried my best.

I have found that sometimes those things I don't particularly love, others may actually like. So going with the convictions of the Diva and post whether you like it or not, I will do!

My favorite thing about this piece is the tangleation in the X in which I drew the line from the corners of the inner black squares to a different corner of the outer square.

Dex, black micron, white gelly roll, Fabrico cool gray

Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Stained" Tutorial

After posting my coffee stained piece I was asked to do a tutorial on rubber cement resist.  I really love that people love learning new things and this one is so much fun and rewarding.

First off, let me say I am staining with left over coffee. You can color your piece with just about anything as long as the paper you are using will stand up to a bit of water.  So you can you use watercolors of any type, paint, tea, wine, even turmeric made into a paste and brushed on.

I have two pieces here. One is a Zentangle® Tile and the other larger on is a piece of Canson watercolor cold press 140 lb paper.

*First step is to get the rubber cement onto the paper.  This can be accomplished by dripping the rubber cement from the brush onto the paper.  I have found if you remove the brush from the tin and immediately turn the brush upside down to sort of collect the cement onto the brush you will have a good amount to drip or *trail* onto your paper. You can also brush it on for larger negative spaces or use other appliances like a chopstick, fork, smaller painting brush etc. Once it is on the paper, let it dry completely.

*Now you are ready to color or stain your paper. I have used a little left over coffee and a paint brush to apply.  Brush evenly over paper. The paper may tend to curl.  Manipulate the paper, bend side to side or end to end or simply rotate the paper to get the stain where you want it. Some areas will have a heavier stain than others.

You can even go back once it has dried a bit and add some more color to areas you would like darker.

*When this has dried completely you are ready to remove the rubber cement. You should be slow and deliberate with this step as paper is fragile and can rip. Although, it can add a "distressed" look to your piece if you desire. Two ways of going about this. One is to rub the cement off, although I have experienced more tears this way. The other is to start and edge and slowly pull the rubber cement off the tile.

Here the dried papers and then the papers minus the rubber cement.

You can choose to use the negative space as a string or the space where you tangle or, as I did earlier, just tangle over the top.

I will be back to post what I have done with these in a couple of days or so. Tangle on!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


I was inspired to try some new techniques out this week and the inspiration came from some left over iced coffee in the bottom of a jug.

My husband and I invited some friends to visit us in Maine for a weekend to celebrate birthdays, catch up with one another and engage in some shenanigans.  All was accomplished!  One of our guests owns the  1369 Coffee House in Inman Square Cambridge MA, awarded the Best of Boston Coffee House 2013 (among other past awards), and he brought his very delicious iced coffee with him!  It comes in this incredible jug:

We imbibed all weekend but there was a bit left in the bottom of the jug so.................

The techniques I wanted to try out were rubber cement resist, coffee staining, tangled numbers, and framing or bordering.  I have managed to get them all into this project which highlights 1369 Coffee House.  I took about 10 hours, off and on, and I find the end result worth it.

I may have to start a "Stained" series. Hmmmm

Thursday, August 8, 2013


So it has been said, by Maria (Thomas) I believe, that if you can tangle you can border.  Well sure, that makes sense except, when I go to "border" something this voice way in the back of my head says, "are you sure you know how to do that?" I thought I had silenced that voice but, no, it is still there.

Today it was again rainy and quiet so I thought I would take borders/frames on.  I am starting simply by drawing just two parallel straight lines and filling them in.  It was a nice exercise and I like how the page looks now that it is full.  I will continue with this on other pages and see if I can't just quite that little voice down a little bit more.

Meer, Purk, Sheenwaz, Vega, Chainlea, Snail, Tripoli

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekly Challenge #130: Henna Drum

I love this tangle given to us by none other than the very talented Jane Mackugler.  You can find her step outs to this pattern HERE.

I have used this tangle many times before and it is always a pleasure to draw.  Today I went "string free" and just put pen to paper. It was a cool morning and I drew while bread was baking in the oven. There is nothing better then bread in the oven, dog at your feet and a pen in your hand with a blank piece of paper waiting to be transformed. Well, there are some other things but, today this will do just fine.

Henna Drum, Printemps, Copada